28 books are in the post, on the way to South Africa, to be received by 'Reading Champions' at schools and literacy programmes. #Kidsneedbooks

After posting the offer of free books on Facebook, there was an enormous response. 28 books will be making their way to South African schools and educational literacy programmes where they will be read by children, and to children.
I am really excited that Trainsurfer will be enjoyed by children who may have lead similar lives to Jabu.
A positive offshoot of this, is that I have made contact with a librarian in the Eastern Cape who is involved in getting books to children who need them most. I plan to start an initiative where New Zealanders are able to pass on good quality books to me (when they are de-cluttering), and I will send the books on to organisations like ITEC (http://www.itec.org.za/) and others.
A friend will help me set up a Give A Little page to fund raise for the cost of shipping the books from New Zealand to South Africa, and hopefully this can be an ongoing flow of books to under-resourced schools.